Driftless Region, Wisconsin

Once we got onto The Great River Road, Highway 35, in Wisconsin that followed along the Mississippi River, it truly turned into a scenic drive. Many of the small towns along the way were vibrant, clean and inviting. There were several towns that if we could have found a good parking spot, we would have walked the town. The old 1950’s motels, that still have their hey day pristine look, is as common as it was back in it’s time. 

Once we got to our campsite, we met up with my brother Norm and sister-n-law Lallee. They will be joining us while we are touring Wisconsin.

Southwest Wisconsin is known as the Driftless Region because during the ice age, this area escaped glacier drifting. The mid-west flat land was created by glacier drifting.  What is left is steep, forested ridges, deeply carved river valleys, spring fed waterfalls and cold water trout streams.  It almost looks like somebody cut a patch out of Appalachia and dropped it into the middle of the prairie.

Many of the creameries are in Amish communities.
Attended Irish Fest in La Crosse, Wi
Farmers Market Wednesday’s 4-7pm, La Crosse
Vernon Vineyards & Winery. 30 mile drive into the back roads. The drive was beautiful.
Vernon Vineyards
Vernon Winery owner’s mother gave us a tour.
Visited Genoa National Fish Hatchery. The facility raises brook trout, minnows, bass, mussel, walleye, crappie, perch, blue gill and lake sturgeon. They transport stocking size fish all over the US.
I think we have found our next house!

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