Life is good in Bonita Springs

Where has the time gone.  We have been here in Bonita Springs for almost a month and time has just flew by.   The weather has been excellent, around 80 during the day and low 60’s at night with plenty of clear skies.

With my brother Norman and Lallee around, we did not lack for things to do. We spent an afternoon watching the new Star Wars movie, Rogue One.

We thought we would try our luck at the dog tracks.  About a mile down the road from our RV location is the Fort Myers Dog Race Track.  We have never been to one but I wanted to see what it was all about.  We watched several races to learn the ropes and I decided to bet $2.  My selected winner (bet) wasn’t even in the top half of the pack. We watched some more and I tried another $2 bet.  This time I bet to PLACE, my dog got second. I won $5! That is when we decided we have had enough fun and it was time to pack-up and leave.

Then off to Tampa for a couple of days to attend the World Largest RV Show, some 150 miles away. Thousand of RV’s, Thousands of people and it felt like–thousands of miles walked.

After getting a little rest when we got back, Norman’s and mine aunt and uncle (my mom’s sister) came over and spent an afternoon with us. They are from Canada but wintering in Florida just 100 miles way.

On top of all that, Denise is still taking line dancing lessons, volunteering at the resort library and getting her 10,000 steps in everyday. And I am still biking 15-20 miles.

I think we need a vacation from retirement!

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