Hello World!

Starting a new blog has been inspirational.  I now can illustrate our travel adventures in more detail.  As  a viewer,  you will be able to see our travel adventures much easier and simplier. As the travel recorder, I will be able to record our travel adventure in several types of media; Blog, maps, pictures and video. Your comments will help me make our recording of our experience better. And now I can say Hello World!

Blog hosting has been a pain.  The question is; What are the things that I want to keep for record and also make it interesting for people to read?   I finally decided that I needed to have a true website domain.  This gives me total flexibility.  It’s my site.  I have complete control.  I called it 2gowandering.com.  I decide to use wordpress.org as my blog engine with Map Maker plug in.   This probably sounds foreign to many.  It was to me before I had to get totally engulf.  I wanted an “easy-to-use” maps application that work well with a traveling blog.  Maps provides the visual representation of our travel adventure. I think for the long term this will serve me well.


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